Friday, January 15, 2010

Using Massing: Creating a Mass Study Analysis

2.10.10 6:40-6:55pm
Training File = Imperial\RAC_UM_02_Massing_Study_i.rvt.

Using Massing: Creating a Mass Study Analysis

In this exercise, you add floor areas to the mass object based on the levels created in a previous exercise. You then schedule floor areas for preliminary analysis of the building form. After you add a mass for the pavilion to the study, the floor area schedule is updated automatically.

Assign floors to the mass

  1. Click Massing & Site tabConceptual Mass panelShow Mass.
  2. In the drawing area, select the mass.
  3. Click Modify Mass tabMassing panelMass Floors.
  4. In the Mass Floors dialog, select the following levels: 01 - Entry Level 02 - Floor 03 - Floor The levels in the project are seen as valid datums that can be used to establish floor levels in the mass object.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Press Esc.

Create a schedule to report mass floor areas

You create a schedule that totals the floor areas from each level and reports the area of the entire building.

  1. Click View tabCreate panelSchedules drop-downSchedule/Quantities.
  2. In the New Schedule dialog, under Category, select Mass Floor, and click OK.
  3. In the Schedule Properties dialog, under Available Fields, select Mass: Family, and click Add.
  4. Using the previous method, add the following fields:
    • Level
    • Floor Area
  5. Click OK.
  6. Expand the columns to view the entire mass floor schedule.

Modify the schedule properties

  1. In the Project Browser, under Schedules/Quantities, right-click Mass Floor Schedule, and click Properties.
  2. In the Instance Properties dialog, for Formatting, click Edit.
  3. On the Formatting tab of the Schedule Properties dialog, under Fields, select Floor Area, and under Field formatting, select Calculate totals.
  4. On the Sorting/Grouping tab, select Grand totals, and in the drop-down list, select Totals only.
  5. Click OK twice. (you will now see a grand total under the floor area colum)

Add a mass for the pavilion

  1. In the Project Browser, under 3D Views, double-click {3D}.
  2. Click Massing & Site tabConceptual Mass panelIn-Place Mass.

    You add a pavilion in the courtyard of the building. The pavilion is not as tall as the other portions of the building and only has a floor on the first level.

  3. In the Name dialog, type Pavilion, and click OK.
  4. Zoom in to the outline for the pavilion.
  5. Click Model In-Place Mass tabDraw panelLine.
  6. On the Draw panel, click (Pick Lines).
  7. On the Placement panel, click Work Plane.
  8. Position the cursor over the edge of the pavilion, press Tab until the edge is highlighted, and click to select it.
    NoteIf it is difficult to select the edge of the pavilion, use the ViewCube to change the orientation, as shown.
    Personal Note: Hold control and select the single lines, when you click the next it appears that you lose the other selection, just continue and trust that it is still selected. The program will tell you if you don't have it right when you try to execute the command. The same goes for trimming too.

  9. Using the previous method, select the other 3 edges of the pad.

    You will only be able to select the long edge of the main building mass for the back edge of the pavilion. Trim this long edge in the next step.

  10. Click Modify tabEdit panelTrim.
  11. Trim the long back line so that it completes the perimeter of the pavilion.
  12. On the Selection panel, click Modify.
  13. Select the pavilion boundary.
    1. Click Model In-Place Mass tabForm panelCreate Form drop-downForm.
  • Click the dimension length value for the height (the lower dimension value), type 22', and press Enter.
  • Click Model In-Place Mass tabIn-Place Editor panelFinish Mass.
  • Add a floor area to the pavilion mass

    1. Select the pavilion mass.
    2. Click Modify Mass tabMassing panelMass Floors.
      1. In the Mass Floors dialog, select 01 - Entry Level, and click OK.
    3. In the Project Browser, under Schedules/Quantities, double-click Mass Floor Schedule.

      Notice that the floor area schedule is automatically updated to include the pavilion.

      38. Close the file with or without saving it.

    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Using Massing: Using Massing Tools

    1.15.10 12:00-12:15pm

    Using Massing: Using Massing Tools
    Training Files = Imperial\RAC_UM_01_Massing_Tools_i.rvt

    In this exercise, you create massing for the main building. You use the building pad created in a previous exercise to establish the massing.

    Create a mass for the main building

    1. In the Project Browser, under 3D Views, double-click {3D}.
    2. On the View Control Bar, click Model Graphics StyleHidden Line.
    3. Zoom in to the building pad.
    4. Click Massing & Site tabConceptual Mass panelIn-Place Mass.
    5. In the Massing - Show Mass Enabled dialog, click Close.
    6. In the Name dialog, type Main Building, and click OK.

      The massing that you create for the main building is a simple extrusion of the shape already established by the pad object.

    7. Click Model In-Place Mass tabDraw panelLine.
    8. On the Draw panel, click (Pick Lines).

      The boundary can be established quickly using the Pick Lines option.

    9. On the Placement panel, click Work Plane.
    10. Position the cursor over the outline of the pad, and press Tab until Chain of walls or lines displays in the Status Bar.
    11. Click to select the outline.
    12. On the Selection panel, click Modify. The portion of the building in the courtyard (the pavilion) will have different massing. You remove this portion of the boundary and use the Trim/Extend tool to close the boundary loop.
    13. While pressing Ctrl, select the 3 lines representing the pavilion and the line to the left of the pavilion, and press Delete. Note: To select an individual line segment instead of the chain of lines, press Tab to highlight the segment, and click to select it.

    14. Click Modify tabEdit panelTrim.
    15. Select the main building boundary line to the left of the pavilion.
    16. Select the line to the right of the pavilion. The boundary is now a closed loop.
    17. Click Modify.
    18. Select the boundary you just created.
    19. Click Modify Lines tabForm panelCreate Form drop-downForm.
    20. In the drawing area, click the dimension value for the height, type 40', and press Enter.
    21. Click Model In-Place Mass tabIn-Place Editor panelFinish Mass.
    22. On the View Control Bar, click Model Graphics StyleShading with Edges.
    23. Close the file with or without saving it.

    Using Massing

    In this lesson, you learn to:

    • Use massing tools to create building massing objects.
    • Create mass floors based on building levels.
    • Schedule floor areas.
    • Use Building Maker tools to create floors, walls, and a roof from the massing faces.
    • Create a perspective view.
    • Using Massing Tools
    • Creating a Mass Study Analysis
    • Using Building Maker Tools

    Creating Project Datums: Adjusting Grid Lines

    1.14.10 11:35-11:50am 15mins
    Creating Project Datums: Adjusting Grid Lines
    Training Files = Imperial\RAC_CPD_03_Adjust_Grids_i.rvt

    In this exercise, you adjust the grid lines for clarity in the project. You modify end points and add gaps in grid lines where it will simplify the view.

    Adjust grid line length

    1. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click 01 - Entry Level.
    2. In the drawing area, select grid line 7.
    3. Click the top lock to remove the constraint.
    4. Adjust the end point of the grid line by dragging it down close to the edge of the longer building wing.
    5. Using the previous method, adjust grid lines 8-10 to the same length. The grid lines will snap with the endpoint of grid line 7 to help with alignment. Remember to click the lock to remove the constraint before adjusting the end point. (Exact placement is not important.)

    Display gridline labels

    1. Display grid labels for grid lines 1-6 so that the grid is labeled on both sides of the building.
      • Select grid line 2, and click in the box above the grid line.
      • Using the previous method, display the labels for grid lines 3-6.

      Change the grid type

      1. While pressing CTRL, select grid lines 4-6.
      2. Click Modify Grids tabElement panelType Selector drop-down1/4'' Bubble Gap. You change to a grid type that allows a gap to be displayed in the grid line.
      3. Select grid line 6, and adjust the gap:
        • Using the control, adjust the top end point of the grid line gap so that it extends just below the shorter wing of the building, as shown. (Exact placement is not important.)
        • Adjust the bottom end point of the grid line gap so that it extends above the longer wing of the building, as shown.
        • Press Esc.

        11. Using the previous method, adjust the top and bottom end points of the grid line gaps for lines 4 and 5.

        End: Close the file with or without saving it.

    Creating Project Datums: Creating Project Grid Lines

    1.14.10 9:45-11:15am 3o mins
    Creating Project Datums: Creating Project Grid Lines

    Training File = Imperial\RAC_CPD_02_Grid_Lines_i.rvt.

    In this exercise, you add grid lines to the project. The grid lines are numbered and lettered automatically as they are placed. You use the dimension tools to dimension the grids and space them equally across the building.

    Adjust the visibility of the view

    1. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click 01 - Entry Level. Placing grids in this view minimizes the necessity of manipulating the grids in other views. However, you can also display grid objects in the other plans as well.
    2. In the Project Browser, right-click 01 - Entry Level, and click Properties. To make it easier to position the grids, you temporarily display the building pad object in this view. To display the pad, you switch on the topography visibility and adjust the view range.
    3. In the Instance Properties dialog, for Visibility/Graphics Overrides, click Edit.
    4. On the Model Categories tab of the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialog, clear Planting, select Topography, and click OK.
    5. In the Instance Properties dialog, under Extents, for View Range, click Edit.
    6. In the View Range dialog, under View Depth, for Level, select Unlimited, and click OK.
    7. In the Instance Properties dialog, for View Scale (at the top of the parameter list), select 1/16'' = 1'-0''.

      You change the scale of the view so the grid labels are easier to see when you place the grid lines.

    8. Click OK.

    Place vertical grid lines

    1. Zoom in to the building pad to more easily place the grids.
    2. Click Home tabDatum panelGrid.
    3. Add the grid using the left pad edge as a snap point.
      • Click the upper-left end point of the building pad.
      • Move the cursor down, and click below the lower-left corner of the pad.
    4. Press Esc twice.
    5. In the drawing area, click the grid line.
    6. Click and drag the model ends of the grid line so that it overhangs the pad on both sides. (Exact placement of grid end points is not important.)
    7. Click the box at the top end of the grid line to toggle on the visibility of the label.
    8. Press Esc twice.
    9. Using the same method, add 9 additional vertical grid lines.
      • Use the end points of the first grid line as the snap points.
      • The placement of the additional grid lines is not important. However, grid 6 should be near the end line of the shorter wing of the building.
      • Use snap points to place grid 10 at the end line of the longer wing. Then, adjust the end points as required to align with the other grids.

      18. Click Modify.
      19. Align grid line 6 with the end line of the shorter wing of the building.
      • Click Modify tabEdit panelAlign.
      • Click the right vertical line of the shorter wing.
      • Click grid line 6.
      20. Click Modify.

      Dimension the grid lines

      1. Click Annotate tabDimension panelAligned.
      2. Click grid lines 1 through 6 sequentially, and click above the grid lines to place the dimension string.
      3. Click EQ on the dimension string to specify equal spacing among the grid lines between the dimensioned points.
      4. Click Modify.
      5. Using the previous method, equalize the grids from 6 to 10.
      6. Click Modify.
      7. Select the left dimension string, and press Delete. Note: Dimensions can be used to establish constraints. If a dimension used to establish a constraint (in this
        case the EQ spacing) is subsequently deleted, you can choose to maintain the constraint or unconstrain the elements.
      8. In the warning dialog, click Unconstrain.
      9. Using the previous method, delete the right dimension string and remove the constraint on the grid lines.

      Place and dimension horizontal grid lines

      1. Click Home tabDatum panelGrid.
      2. Click the end point at the upper-right corner of the short wing.
      3. Draw a horizontal grid line to the left, click outside of the building, and press Esc.
      4. Adjust the overhang of the grid as desired.
      5. Use alphabetic grid labels for the horizontal grid lines:
        • Click grid label 11.
        • Type A.
        • Press Enter.
      6. Place 9 additional horizontal grid lines over the building.

        The grids automatically use the alphabetic sequence for labelling. Grid line C should align with the lower wall of the short wing and grid line H should align with the upper wall of the long wing.

      7. Using the techniques of dimensioning and the EQ control, space the grids as follows:
        • A-C are equalized on the short building wing.
        • C-H are equalized through the center section of the building.
        • H-J are equalized on the long wing of the building.

        End: Close the file with or without saving it.

    Friday, January 8, 2010

    Creating Project Datums: Adding Project Levels

    1/8/10 8:55-9:25pm (to be continued) 1.14.10 9:30-9:45am
    Creating Project Datums: Adding Project Levels
    Training File - Imperial\RAC_CPD_01_Adding_Levels_i.rvt

    In this exercise, you add levels to the project. The levels serve as datums for placing additional objects in the project.

    Adjust existing level
    1. In the Project Browser, under Elevations (Building Elevation), double-click South.
    2. In the elevation view, zoom in to the level markers.
    3. In the drawing area, right-click a tree, and click Hide in viewCategory. The visibility for the planting category is turned off, reducing the visual clutter.
    4. Zoom in to the level labels on the right.
    5. Before adding levels, adjust the height of Level 2:
    • Select Level 2.
    • Click the Level 2 height parameter.
    • Type 12', and press Enter.
    6. Zoom out until you can see both ends of the existing levels.

    Add levels

    1. Click Home tabDatum panelLevel.
    2. On the left side of the existing levels, click to add a third level 12’ above Level 2, as shown.
      Note: To locate the starting point, move the cursor over the end point of Level 2, and move the cursor up, using the displayed drawing aids to locate the correct starting point.
    3. Move the cursor to the right, and click to align the right edge of the level marker with the existing levels.
    4. Using the same method, add a fourth level 12’ above Level 3, as shown.
    5. On the Options Bar, clear Make Plan View. The next level you add is used to establish the parapet height of the wall. This level is used only for reference, so you do not need to create a plan view.
    6. Using the same method, add a fifth level 4' above Level 4, as shown.
    7. Click Place Level tabSelect panelModify. Modify levels
    8. Zoom in to the level heads.
    9. Select Level 5, click the height parameter, type 37'6'', and press Enter.
    10. Adjust the Level 5 marker so it does not overlap the text from the level below: - Select Level 5. - Click the control to add an elbow, as shown. - Drag the elbow to adjust the label position. (Exact placement is not important.)
  • Select Level 1, click the Level 1 label, type 01 - Entry Level, and press Enter.
  • In the dialog, click Yes to rename corresponding views.
  • Using the previous method, rename the remaining levels:
    Existing Name New Name
    Level 2 02 - Floor
    Level 3 03 - Floor
    Level 4 Roof
    Level 5 Parapet
    End of tutorial
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