Friday, February 12, 2010

Adding Basic Building Elements: Editing Floors

02.12.10 10:45-11:05am
Adding Basic Building Elements: Editing Floors
Training Files = Imperial\RAC_BBE_02_Edit_Floor_i.rvt

In this exercise, you modify the floor for the second level. The design calls for a balcony from the second level of the main building looking into the pavilion. You created the floor object in the massing exercises and the shape of the massing determines the element shape. You edit the existing floor to change the shape as required.

Edit the floor

  1. In the Project Browser, under Floor Plans, double-click 02 -Floor.
  2. Position the cursor over the floor edge, press Tab until the Status Bar indicates that the floor object is highlighted, and click to select it.
  3. Click Modify Floors tabEdit panelEdit Boundary.

    You modify the shape that defines the floor extents.

Draw lines for new floor shape

  1. Click Modify Floors > Edit Boundary tabDraw panelBoundary Line.

  2. On the Draw panel, click (Line).

  3. On the Options Bar, select Chain.

  4. Click at the intersection of grid line F.1 and the right vertical floor line.

  5. Move the cursor 3' to the right, and click.

  6. On the Draw panel, click (Arc passing through three points).

  7. Move the cursor down to the intersection of grid line G, and click to define the endpoint of the arc.

  8. Click to define the third point of the arc, as shown. (You adjust the radius in a later step.)

  9. Click Edit Boundary tabDraw panel (Line).

  10. Move the cursor to the left, and click the intersection of grid line G and the existing floor line.

  11. Click Modify.

  12. Select the curved boundary line for the balcony, click the dimension, type 10', and press Enter.

  13. Press Esc.

    With the shape complete, you modify the existing lines in order to form a closed loop for the boundary. Boundary shapes must be closed loops in order to create the object from the boundary.

Create a closed loop boundary

  1. Click Modify Floors > Edit Boundary tabEdit panelSplit.

  2. Click near the midpoint of the vertical floor within the balcony shape, as shown.

  3. Click Modify Floors > Edit Boundary tabEdit panelTrim.

  4. Trim the lines to form a closed boundary incorporating the new balcony floor shape, as shown.

  5. Click Edit Boundary tabFloor panelFinish Floor.

    The shape of the floor is modified to represent the new design.

  6. In the Project Browser, under 3D Views, double-click {3D}.

  7. Use the ViewCube to orient the view to the pavilion, where you can see the new balcony.

  8. Close the file with or without saving it.

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