"...range of options to interactively edit elements in the model. The most obvious is to select elements to drag around the screen or use the blue control grips to extend walls and lines. ...you often need more precise ways of moving and positioning things..."
"Moving Elements - ...several ways to move elements, ranging from traditional tools to intelligent
dimensions that appear on the fly when you select elements."
"Temporary Dimensions - when elements are selected, dimensions appear. ...called temporary dimensions ...both inform you of the location of the elements relative to other elements in the model and help you reposition the elements. Clicking the blue dimension value makes it an active, editable value. ...If a temporary dimension isn’t referencing a meaningful element, you can choose a different reference by dragging the small blue square attached to the dimension witness line to a new parallel reference."
"If you click a blue grip, it cycles to the next possible reference in the element."
"To change which references temporary dimensions go to first, use the Temporary Dimension
Properties dialog box ...Manage tab, Settings, Temporary Dimensions"
"If...many elements selected at the same time, temporary dimensions sometimes don’t appear. Check the Options bar for the Activate Dimensions button; clicking it will make the temporary dimensions appear in the view."
"Using the Move tool
"...to move elements precise distances by typing in values or using the temporary dimensions as helpers. Once you have selected an element, the Move tool will be enabled. Moving elements is a two-click process: first you define a start point, and then you click to define an endpoint."
"a few options on the Options bar to be aware of when the Move command is active."
1. "Constrain - When...selected, it constrains movements to horizontal and vertical directions. Deselecting it gives you free movement if the element is freestanding. Hosted elements such as windows and doors always move in a constrained manner parallel to their host axis."
2. "Disjoin - Hosted elements such as windows and doors can’t change host and move to another host without explicitly being disjoined from their host. This option lets you disconnect inserts from their host and move them to new hosts."
(I find using the "Pick Host" option to be more reliable)
3. "Copy - ...lets you make a copy of the element without moving the original element. In the strictest sense, this isn’t really a move operation but a shortcut to making a copy."
4. "Multiple - ...selectable only after you pick the Copy option, lets you make multiple copies of the selected element."
5.13.10 6:40pm-7:15pm = 35mns
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