Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Creation Part 1 (from

Great basic intro to family creation! Thanks to the Revit Kid.
These are my personal notes, watch the video.

1. start new family, generic model.
2. start with reference planes (especially with parametric families) which control geometry. In plan, side and front elevation views.
(keyboard shortcut RP to start drawing ref plane.)
3. add dimensions to the ref. planes. Typically, Width, Length, Height (Labels).
4. add parameters to the dimensions.
5. Start drawing geometry, Extrusion in plan view.
6. Draw extrusion snapping to reference planes. Lock edges to reference planes, Revit lets you do this either in the boundary edit mode or outside of it.
Note: It is recommended to NOT lock edges while in the boundary edit mode as the locks are easier to find when you come back to the Family later and appear when you click on the 3D element. Not having to enter the boundary edit mode to find them will avoid an extra step in the workflow.
7. Check work, tile plan, front and 3d views; click and move a ref. plane should change size of 3d box. Changing parameters in Family Types should also affect the size.

This is a recap for me but full of helpful reminders if you haven't created families in a while!